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Thanksgiving Greetings


Thanksgiving greetings 2018

On a day we set aside to give thanks, Lynne and I wanted to share with you what we are most thankful for:

  • For the privilege of serving together each day. We love being both co-workers, best friends, and in it for life!
  • For the blessing of a connected family of beautifully grown children and their significant others – who honor us beyond imagination.   
  • For the honor of traveling and meeting new friends from coast to coast and even around the world.
  • For an amazing team that helps us reach an ever-growing community of parents.
  • For faithful donors who give sacrificially to reach parents through us.
  • For the freedom we have to share the Connected Families message, full of grace and truth, without worry about persecution.

Most of all we’re grateful for Jesus’ love and grace extended to us every day and we pray that in the season ahead each of you would know this love and pass it well to your kids.

Blessings as you lead your family with grace,

Jim & Lynne
Connected Families

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