Tag gratitude
The 3 Most Important (and Most Overlooked) Reasons to Be Thankful to God
It’s common at Thanksgiving to focus our gratitude on the gathering, great food, our material comforts, our possessions, enjoyable relationships, and other beautiful blessings. These are blessings for sure! “All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if…
A Heart Full of Gratitude
In the messes and stresses of family life (especially during the holiday season), gratitude is sometimes hard to come by. Knowing that joy and gratitude are closely related, how can we learn the important spiritual principle of giving thanks in…
The Brain Impact of Gratitude | Ep. 116
Are Too Many Extracurricular Activities Taking Over Life? Or Is It Entitlement?
Whether you are in the thick of it now or might be in the future, you may be wondering, how many are too many extracurricular activities? From sports to music, to theater, and more….our kids have an endless supply of…
Thankful for the Connected Families Community
Since January 2021, Lynne and I have decided to end each day in our home by expressing gratitude. This has helped us keep dwelling on what is good, and pressing on with joy and peace. We spend around 30 minutes…
“I’m the Parent. I Don’t HAVE to Say Please”
Have you heard ungrateful demands (like the ones below) from kids who seem to expect you to drop your life in order to take care of them? “Mom! Where’s dinner?” “Dad, I need a ride to the gym!” “Bring…
Thanksgiving Greetings
On a day we set aside to give thanks, Lynne and I wanted to share with you what we are most thankful for: For the privilege of serving together each day. We love being both co-workers, best friends, and…
Raising Kids Who Say “Thank You”
We talk to many parents who tell us their kids are not grateful. Not only do their children expect to be fed and clothed, but they expect to eat whatever they want and be clothed with the latest brands. They…
Questions to Put the THANKS Back in Thanksgiving
“So, kids, what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?” you ask. “My family, my house, my friends, my dog and Jesus.” (Same answers as last year….) If you think your kids might be open to some deeper thinking this year,…
When Your Child Just HAS To Have That Thing for Christmas…
Your little darling comes to you with their face lit up, a picture and product details in hand, their logic detailed into a lawyer-like brief, and begs with passion for that one special thing for Christmas. “Ok, I know exactly…