Solving a Child’s Big Spiritual Problem
As parents who care for our children’s spiritual well-being, we try to teach them right and wrong and help them tackle whatever spiritual problems they encounter. However, other than the fact that they’re born into sin, it may well be…

Raising Entitled Kids? Here’s How to Stop.
As soon as kids are capable of doing jobs, take the time to teach them to do the jobs and gracefully hold them responsible to do them.

What You Really Need for Mother’s Day
Hint: It’s not flowers, or chocolates, or a day at the spa! Mother’s Day. The one day a year when we moms are officially recognized for working our fannies off to be “all things to all people.” The other 364…

Parenting Goals You Can Meet
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s or child’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3 (italic portion inserted by CF)” When parents tell Lynne or me about their discipline struggles with their kids…

Discipleship, Consequences, and Toothbrushing
We recently got the following email from a loving, caring parent. We believe others among you might have similar questions, so we thought we’d share! Hope this conversation answers questions you might have and sparks a few new ones: Dear…