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Parenting Tips Blog

Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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SM kids arguments Ep 167

Kids’ Arguments: Establish Peace with 4 Steps | Ep. 167

If your kids’ bickering ever drives you bonkers, you’ll want to hear this fresh perspective with our guest and certified parent coach, Megan Thorp. Stacy and Megan unpack the Connected Families’ approach to transform kids’ arguments into opportunities to build…


Supporting Your Teen with Empathy and Connection | Ep.166

Dive into the trials and triumphs of parenting teens with CF Certified Parent Coaches, Katie Wetsell and Julia Rupp and our host, Stacy Bellward. They examine teen anxiety, independence, and the art of calm communication. They also unpack ways to…

6 Practical Tips to Tame Your Temper 1 1

6 Practical Tips to Tame Your Temper

Disciplining misbehaving kids is often a difficult and emotion-laden task. Our oldest son, Daniel, sometimes said to Lynne, “Mom, you just bursted all over us!” And he was painfully correct. Jim had his share of quick, harsh reactions as well.…


Tame Your Temper: Calming Strategies for Parents | Ep. 165

Listen in as Stacy talks with Julia Rupp and Katie Wetsell (Connected Families Certified Parent Coaches) about strategies you can use to calm yourself in emotionally charged situations with your kids. Whether you’ve already blown it and need to repair,…