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NW Top 4 Tips Best Christmas Yet

The Gift of Not Giving:

Have you noticed that Christmas aisles seem to be stocked earlier and earlier these days? Commercials for Black Friday “doorbusters” are rampant, and there is even controversy about some stores beginning their sales on Thanksgiving Day. The holiday materialism debate is not new: on…

Dealing with Rejection

Dealing With Rejection

Kids are rejected from every side. Sometimes the rejection or criticism comes from a teacher that just doesn’t “get” your kid. Sometimes it comes from an angry family member. Sometimes it’s rejection from peers, gossiping, or getting picked last in gym class.…

How to Help Your Kids Like Each Other

How to Help Your Kids Like Each Other

At times, children naturally enjoy each other. But conflict is inevitable. If parents allow it, isolated conflicts can turn into a persistent rivalry with the power to dominate their children’s relationships with each other. In other words, if we wait for…

Parenting Goals You Can Meet

Parenting Goals You Can Meet

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s or child’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?   Matthew 7:3 (italic portion inserted by CF)” When parents tell Lynne or me about their discipline struggles with their kids…

Kids Chores Made Easy 1

Kids’ Chores Made Easy!

Doing chores is an important part of growing up, according to researchers. Doing everyday jobs promotes community and a sense of well-being.  But, we are asking our kids to do less and less to help. Sometimes, we just do a chore…