Category Discipline
Little Eyes Are Watching
I was fixing the toilet. Two-year-old Bethany was playing in a room down the hall. I was doing final repairs needed before we closed on the sale of our house. I just needed to get my little wrench down in…
Kids’ Chores Made Easy!
Doing chores is an important part of growing up, according to researchers. Doing everyday jobs promotes community and a sense of well-being. But, we are asking our kids to do less and less to help. Sometimes, we just do a chore…
When Kids Bug Us for Money
Early Job Training Produces More Than Money. Former CF staff member Brian Houts shared this story with us of teaching responsibility through mowing lawns. It’s ugly. It’s a gray lawnmower with a 5 horsepower Tecumseh engine and a 20 inch…
The Bigger the Meltdown, the Bigger the Opportunity
“Where sin abounds, Grace abounds more” When a child really “loses it” – the freakin’ out, screaming and kicking kind of lose it – parents have a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate either grace or “ungrace.” Having done the “ungrace” response…
When Kids Act Up… Breathe In God’s Presence
Terri is a typical parent. When her six-year-old daughter acted up, Terri yelled to get her daughter under control. The daughter’s misbehavior usually went away for a while. Terri concluded, “Whatever it takes to let my child knows she’s out…
Tantrums From Tots To Teens
Teen Tantrums Teen Tantrums are not all that different than two-year-old tantrums. So read the tip below and apply those principles. But there are some distinctions, too. Because teen tantrums are usually verbal, the teens frequently say things that…
“Stop Whining!” – A Success Story!
A Thoughtful Approach to Whining “Whining” is a common problem whether children are toddlers, or teens demanding to get what they want. When parents try to make the whining or demanding stop, it usually backfires. Consider this story from a…
Working Towards Obedience Pt. 2
We received quite a number of comments about the “experiment” I did with Eli in our last parenting tips email (read here if you missed it). Most parents reported better outcomes when they approached their kids with a “you can do it”…
Working Towards Obedience Pt. 1
Eli is not quite two. He is the son of a friend that is staying with us. I experimented with him this morning – in a fun sort of way. I was trying to enlist his help bringing dishes to the…