Category Discipline

Managing Kids’ Anger – and Ours
We parents sometimes get it backwards. Our kid acts up and we get angry. We then tend to justify our anger saying, “I wouldn’t be angry if you didn’t act up.” This means that we’ve let our child be in…

A mom’s email: The Transforming Power of “Discipline that Connects™”
We love to receive emails from parents telling us about their experience with Connected Families! Here is one we received from a mom who has seen amazing transformation in her family as a result of Discipline that Connects — so…

Teaching Kids to Resolve Conflict
Kids often fight. Teach them three key steps to conflict resolution: 1.) COOL DOWN. 2.) UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. 3.) FIND A WIN-WIN!

Your Children, Your Mirror
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19, 20 Primitive emotions are…

Will Your Child Be Famous?
Do everything…so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. Philippians 2:14-15. The kids jumped up from their chairs, held hands…

When Kids’ Disrespect Gets You Fuming!!!
The memory is vivid. Our eldest son Daniel was quick with his tongue when unhappy. Quick and usually ugly. One day I was sternly (…OK harshly) disciplining my daughter for laziness, and she burst into tears. Daniel emerged from his…

Your Family and Youth Sports: Maximize the Learning – Minimize the Stress
I’m a coach for my son’s 5th grade football team. I’ve learned the basics of coaching, how to break things down to teach skills that will help the team succeed. I love the game, the kids, the coaches. It’s…

Little Eyes Are Watching
I was fixing the toilet. Two-year-old Bethany was playing in a room down the hall. I was doing final repairs needed before we closed on the sale of our house. I just needed to get my little wrench down in…

Kids’ Chores Made Easy!
Doing chores is an important part of growing up, according to researchers. Doing everyday jobs promotes community and a sense of well-being. But, we are asking our kids to do less and less to help. Sometimes, we just do a chore…

When Kids Bug Us for Money
Early Job Training Produces More Than Money. Former CF staff member Brian Houts shared this story with us of teaching responsibility through mowing lawns. It’s ugly. It’s a gray lawnmower with a 5 horsepower Tecumseh engine and a 20 inch…