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Parents: Feeling Burned Out? Try This. | Ep. 43

43 DTC Series Burned Out 4

Feeling burned out at the end of the day? Does parenting (and discipline) leave you feeling overwhelmed and discouraged?  If you are feeling “parenting burnout” there is help and hope.

Perhaps you will identify with our guests today, Nate and Amanda. This couple joins us to discuss the burnout parents often face in the discipline process with their kids.

What does parenting burnout look like?

Like so many couples, Nate and Amanda were enthusiastic and confident before their children were born. They were ready with ideas about how they would parent and connect with their children. Yet, like many of us, they discovered that the reality of parenting did not always match those expectations. They had great intentions, but struggled to put those intentions into action. 

As parents, we can get tired and discouraged. Do you feel yourself grasping for control and wanting an immediate fix for your child’s behavior?  Often the desire to get the right behavior from our kids can impede the relationship and cause us to lose opportunities to connect.  

parenting burnout

What’s going on in me?

Amanda and Nate found new hope and perspective after taking the Discipline That Connects online course. They learned to build a foundation of safety for their children by asking themselves, “What is going on in me?” Amanda noticed that her anxiety about her children’s future caused more exhaustion and brought more tension to the situation.

By implementing the practical and biblical strategies they learned together in the course, Nate and Amanda began walking a new path to decrease stress and bring energy back to their parenting. 

Join Stacy Bellward (DTC course moderator) and Jim Jackson (co-founder of Connected Families), as they talk with Nate and Amanda about the DTC course, and a long term vision for parenting that builds safety and connection. Hear about our unique combination of a biblical framework and a practical science-based approach that can totally shift how you view discipline, and help you build connection with your kids.

In this episode you will:

  • Discover how to parent from a place of peace and calm.
  • Learn the value of staying in the moment (and avoid catastrophizing!).
  • Hear practical examples from parents who have been through the course, and how it helped them create more connection with their kids.
  • Learn the power of do-overs and developing new brain pathways to help kids make better choices.
  • Get an overview of the Connected Families framework

Want to learn more? Jim recorded this 38-minute audio thinking about dads (although moms can listen too!). If your wife has recently been digging into our material and is urging you to “get on board!” this is a great place to start! 

A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 217