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Tag bullying

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Teaching Your Child to Navigate “Mean” Kids  | Ep. 97

“He called me stupid!” “She said she doesn’t want to play with me!” It’s so hard when your child comes to you feeling hurt by someone else’s words. Words matter. And they hurt! You want to comfort your kids and…

Bullying Opportunity 2

Bullying: Challenge or Opportunity?

Throughout the United States, October is national bullying prevention month, and many schools around the country will encourage their kids to wear orange in support of anti-bullying. Those are nice sentiments, but what does it actually look like if your…

How to Address Bullying Part 2

Uncommon Thoughts About Bullying

What if we viewed bullying the way Jesus the Christ viewed the aggressive pursuits of Saul the Pharisee? In the story, Jesus’ followers have been viciously ‘bullied’ by Saul. But instead of going after him with the penal code, Jesus…

How to Address Bullying Part 1

The Diamond in the Rough of Bullying

You learn that your child has been bullied at school. Your blood pressure skyrockets. You want justice NOW! “THIS IS NOT OK! I’M CALLING THE SCHOOL!!” An understandable reaction. It is natural to quickly and emotionally defend your child against…