Tag conflict

Mercy in the Midst of Our Struggle
“Can’t you just get in the bathtub without arguing?!!” Daniel and I were nose-to-nose in a typical power struggle. I knew it was going to take most of my intellectual and emotional savvy just to get this grimy little kid…

Teens Always Rebel. Right?
I recently received an email that was sent out to a large number of parents from a teacher at my daughter’s high school. Her main goal was to let folks know she wouldn’t be available for conferences; however, she offered…
Redirect Power Struggles with One Question
Ten minutes before dinner your child wheels around the corner and asks, "Can I go to a friend's for dinner?" Many parent mentors would suggest that this is one of those times to stand firm. And we agree. The question is - about what should we be firm?

When Kids Just Won’t Obey: The Clash of Giants
I’ve blown it many times. But the following event stands out as an example of both a failure to live by the stuff I teach, and the power of the teaching. Upon reflection, it’s a tale of battling giants. One…

The Benefits of Letting Our Kids Experience Conflict
Sometimes it can be a good thing to let kids fight. This played itself out last week as I was caring for my niece and nephews (4th – 7th grade). During dinner they began to argue the sort of argument…

How Your Support Helped a Child Learn to Take Her Own Time-Outs
“I wasn’t safe! I need to go to my room to think about this,” exclaimed five-year-old Selah after hitting her infant brother Caleb. It seemed almost miraculous that she would say such a thing.

Are We Teaching Our Kids to Bully?
I saw her coming, eyes flashing and surveying the crowded checkout lines. Her cart was full. Mine was too. I shifted my gaze to the lines as well. It was time to go and there was no way I was…