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Obedience: A Jesus-Centered View
We are excited to bring you an excerpt from a book that we feel will impact your family for generations to come. Dr. David and Amanda Erickson are co-authors of The Flourishing Family: A Jesus-Centered Guide to Parenting with Peace…

An Appropriate “Punishment” for Name-Calling? It’s Not What You Think
Teach connection and reconciliation with this simple policy

Families With Teenagers, Keep Calm and Stay Connected
Families with teenagers have joys and challenges that are different from families with littles. Just when you think you’ve got this parenting thing down…things can change again. But why do the teenage years get such a bad rap? There are…

Seriously, Why Doesn’t My Child Listen to Me?
4 tips to help your child start listening better

Your Child Laughs When in Trouble? How To Build Wisdom, Not Shame
What should you do if your child laughs when in trouble? Your child does something, a big something. It’s one of those somethings that warrants sitting down and having a real chat about it. You begin the conversation, and then……

I Was a Critical Parent: 6 Steps I Took to Find a More Loving Way
“Mom, whenever I clean, you just notice what I missed or didn’t do good enough!” I still remember one of my kids saying that and how discouraging it was. It was a reckoning moment. I didn’t want to be a…

4 Simple Mealtime Rules You and Your Kids Can Embrace
Mealtimes are a vital part of the rhythm of family life! “Research suggests that having dinner together as a family at least four times a week has positive effects on child development. Family dinners have been linked to a lower…

Receiving Unsolicited Parenting Advice?
4 Tips to Respond with Confidence

To Spank or Not to Spank?
If you work with Christian parents, it’s tempting to stay far away from the spanking debate. There are the “never spank” parents, the “immediate obedience or get spanked” parents, and everything in-between. The question over whether to spank or not…

We Say “Stop!” They say, “NO!”
Working with parents for over twenty years, we consistently see the following scenarios play out with kids of all ages: Parents say “Do this!” Kids refuse. Parents say “Stop!” Kids do it anyway. Parents say, “Come!” Kids dash the other…