Tag goals

Building the Family Team: A Solution to Chore Wars
7-year-old Bryce was a master “chore evader.” When asked to help with chores, this distractable drama king would slump over and whine, “But I wanted to play!” His parents, Sandy and Jeff, had run out of ideas and came to…

How Would Jesus Discipline?
We have raised our own three kids who are now in their twenties. Through personal experience, as well as working with countless families, we have learned that not every child responds well to spanking. When we spanked our intense son…

Parenting Goals You Can Meet
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s or child’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3 (italic portion inserted by CF)” When parents tell Lynne or me about their discipline struggles with their kids…