Tag grades

The Genius of Letting Go of Homework Struggles in Two Remarkable Stories
Let’s just state up front: “homework battles” shouldn’t be a part of family life. First, because the homework isn’t your homework, it’s your child’s. Second, as a parent, you’re not called to a battle with your child. You’re called to…

Feel Empowered and Equipped for a Great School Year
Depending on where you are in the world, you may be experiencing the back-to-school blues. No matter the type of school – preschool, public, private, home-school, or alternative school – the transition from summer activities to educational studies generally has…

Got a Smart Teenager (or Child) With Bad Grades?
How to Inspire, Not Nag

My Child Is Not My Report Card
Several years ago Meg became acquainted with Connected Families. While she was listening to the Grace and Truth for Moms message, she was struck by this powerful thought, “I’m so glad Jesus is my report card, not the kids!” See if…