Tag tantrums

How to Teach Flexibility Using a Pipe Cleaner
Plans change. Life changes. And suddenly your sweet child who doesn’t get to have chicken nuggets is melting down on your kitchen floor. Or maybe rain canceled your walk to the park. Whatever the cause, the chaos that ensues can…

Meet Kara who Lives in Thailand
For nearly twenty years, Connected Families has been equipping and empowering parents to lead their families with grace. As a tumultuous 2020 comes to an end we are excited to introduce you to families around the world who are embracing…

This Is a Fantastic Activity to Teach Kids Emotional Awareness
Do you feel like your child has big emotions? And do you feel at a loss about how to help? Good news! There are fantastic activities to help teach your kids (of any age) emotional awareness! In this great little…

Got a Demanding Child? This Mom Figured Out What to Do
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by kids’ whining or disrespectful demands…especially if you have a gentle, sensitive personality type. You give in and then feel like a pushover. Or maybe your default is to get exasperated and become overwhelmed. Either…

Stop the Crazy All-or-Nothing Thinking with These 4 Steps
Your child just said something completely exaggerated. It was all or nothing. All bad. Nothing right. And not the truth. It drives you crazy, right? But underneath the all-or-nothing thinking is likely a discouraged or anxious child. When your child makes…

Your Child’s Misbehavior: A Cry for Help?
“I hate you, Mommy!!”Carrie was at the end of her rope with her 5-year-old. “Alex is always an intense kid, but he seems so angry and defiant these days. What do I do when he says ‘I hate you!!’? It…

Connecting with Toddlers & Teens During Discipline
Each year thousands of people participate in one of our online courses, or in our parent coaching. We frequently hear encouraging stories like the ones below of parents connecting with toddlers AND teens during discipline. We love it when stories…

But What About My Toddler?
At Connected Families we are often asked, “How does your framework apply to toddlers when they seem too young to understand but are certainly showing their strength of will?” We’ve compiled a list of our favorite posts relating to…
To Unlock Your Child’s Heart, Just Ask for the Key!
If you are reading this, you probably want your kids to know how much you love them. And you probably tell them often that you do. But effectively communicating love is not always so simple. How can we be…

Transitions: It’s Time to Go
Does this sound familiar? Picture yourself standing, hands on hips at the front door saying (maybe loudly, even): “C’mon, kids. It’s time to go. Kids…. Kids…. It’s time to go!!! You need to listen to me! Get moving – NOW!”…