Tag toddlers

Feeling Stuck? Move Toward the Struggling Child.
Parents often find themselves at a loss when kids are particularly discouraged or struggling. It can begin to feel hopeless when everything you’ve tried to motivate them past the challenge has failed. You may start to feel more and more…

A Creative Alternative to Those Endless Reminders…
Big sister Bella bounces and crashes her way through life with Tigger-like abandon, unaware of the impact of her big movements and energy on those around her. When it came to pushing her new little brother in his baby…

How to Deal with an Attention Addict
Recently, on a weekend when all our kids were home, we dug out the family videos for a trip down memory lane (or, in the case of our daughter-in-law, a crash-course in Jackson family history). Our kids’ childhood antics…

Is There Harm in Convincing Kids Santa Is Real?
Note: For some of our readers this post may touch a nerve. Please know we write in a spirit of deeply wanting to see the story of Jesus magnified far above all other stories. For centuries societies have played out…

Video: Sensory Input Techniques to Calm and Focus your Child
Got a child with sensory sensitivity? Check out Lynne’s helpful therapy techniques to help calm and focus your child! Sign up below to receive a weekly dose of encouragement straight to your inbox: