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Tantrums From Tots To Teens

 Tantrums From Tots To Teens

Teen Tantrums

Teen Tantrums are not all that different than two-year-old tantrums. So read the tip below and apply those principles.

But there are some distinctions, too.

Because teen tantrums are usually verbal, the teens frequently say things that “hook” our emotions. These things can feel quite hurtful. When parents respond out of that hurt – with tears or even anger, this rewards the teen. It gives him or her a sense of power over the parent.

So figure out how you can stay calm. Try not to engage in the “tantrum” until you can be fairly relaxed. This will help you stay reasonable and rational, which is your best shot at helping your teen learn to stay calm too.

Two-Year-Old Tantrums

“What should we do when our two-year-old frequently tantrums at the store?”

  • Some experts say you should ignore the tantrumming child.
  • One says you should step over “the little sucker” and keep walking to teach her that you’re in charge.
  • Others say tantrumming children already feel insecure and should be comforted but not get their way.
  • Most say – stay calm and rational.

Here’s our answer: “We don’t know.”

Then we ask a couple of questions: “What are you hoping she’ll learn?” and “What have you learned so far about helping her learn it?”

Once you answer these questions we can work together to think about and try different strategies for teaching the lessons you want your child to learn.

Some parents end up deciding to ignore the child and walk away. Some decide to offer comfort. Others scold their child, or just pick her up and put her in the cart.

There is no one “right” answer to this. But there are a couple of good questions that can help parents think and decide well for themselves.

Download our FREE in-depth ebook Helping Kids With Anger. It will provide thoughtful insights and creative ideas to help your struggling child.

Jim and Lynne Jackson
Jim and Lynne Jackson
Articles: 227