Why Little (And Not-So-Little) Kids With Big Emotions Benefit From Big Empathy
Got a child with big emotions? Toddlers and teens are known for their explosions of big feelings, but many kids simply “feel deeply” all their lives. Sometimes it seems those kids totally lose it at inopportune moments. It can even…

Are You Unintentionally Encouraging Bad Behavior? Here’s How to Switch That
Introducing the ABCs of Affirmation

Know a Child Who Gives Up Easily? Teach Them the Source of Resilience
“It’s too hard!” “I can’t do it!” “I’ll never be good at it!” “I give up!” You may have heard words like these as you watch when your child gives up easily. You wince because you don’t want your child…

Hitting & Biting: How the Right Consequence Might Be Simpler Than You Think
Hitting and biting are really difficult phases for some kids. Oftentimes, it’s indicative of a child’s need for more big muscle activity to decrease stress in their nervous system. (See our FREE resource, 60 Ways to Get Kids Moving and Laughing.)…

Focus on the Good: The Surprisingly Awesome Thing About Your Child’s Misbehavior
Focusing on the good is powerful. “No one has ever said anything like that to me!” The rough-looking teen’s tough veneer had softened. I (Jim) detected tears in his eyes. What had caused this teen, a complete stranger and one…

20 Beautiful Empathy Statements to Show Kids You Really See Them
In stressful interactions, do you ever think of what you wish you’d said to your kids about five minutes too late? If you’ve got a child unraveling before your eyes, it’s tempting to try to quickly “fix it” instead of…

Conflicting Parenting Styles: Are You On the Same Page?
When we meet parents with conflicting parenting styles or who disagree about parenting, they often talk about wanting to get “on the same page.” This can be a tall order. We know it was for us. While we shared core…

15 Razones para Amar-Sin-Condiciones
Nuestros hijos saben que los amamos incondicionalmente ¿verdad?, ¿o será que no?Como padres, muchas veces damos esto por hecho. Aquí hay una historia sobre el poder del amor incondicional de la comunidad de Connected Families: Mitch tenía un poco más…

My Child’s Loved One Died; What Do I Do Now? How to Support Your Grieving Child & What to Expect
Navigating the complex and often heart-wrenching journey of grief with your child may feel like an immense parenting challenge, especially if you are also grieving. You want your child to feel safe, loved, and capable of working through difficult emotions.…

An Appropriate “Punishment” for Name-Calling? It’s Not What You Think
Teach connection and reconciliation with this simple policy