6 Teenage Survival Tips that Don’t Totally Suck
In our work coaching hundreds of parents of teens over the years, we’ve hit on six themes that draw the parent-child relationship closer. Read through and let us know in the comments below which of the tips you want to…
When kids fly into a rage, try this!
Why Won’t My Kid Do the Dishes?
Recently we got an email from a mom asking what to do when her 10-year-old son refused to help with the dishes after dinner, even when punished with spanking or loss of electronics. Conflicts around chores are something that many…
4 Summer Sanity Tips for Parents
It’s summer again, and you know what that means: a totally different rhythm to schedules and family time, with lots of time for connection… and conflict. So we’ve rounded up a list of useful tips to bring sanity and joy…
Possibly the Best Way to Build Wisdom
Asking sincere questions, even with small kids, is a great way to build wisdom. Here’s a story a mom emailed to us that shows the difference between making demands and asking questions. We were getting ready to leave the house,…
Five Powerful Parenting Lessons from ‘Frozen’
Frozen has taken the country by storm with its sensational music. But it also has embedded in its lively action some food-for-thought nuggets about relationships and emotional health. Here are a few key takeaways for parents: [NOTE: SPOILERS AHEAD!] 1.…
The sky is closer than you think…
The following is based on a reflection written by our eldest son, Daniel. We’ve adapted it a bit to speak more to parents. ~Jim & Lynne What a relief it is to know that even if I somehow managed…
Build Your Easter on the Cross
Easter: The day when we sit through church together, and then VROOM! On to the… Ham. Potatoes. Egg hunts. Chocolate bunnies. Bright baskets overflowing with treats. It’s easy for our Easter celebration to focus on fun, lively traditions that have…
Are You a Charlie Brown Grown-Up?
We’ve all been there. A child sasses, lies, whacks a sibling or shirks a responsibility, and we feel compelled to tell them what they did wrong and why it’s wrong. It’s good to tell kids what’s right and what’s wrong,…