Learning Hub
Jim and Lynne Jackson

Jim and Lynne Jackson

5 Powerful Results of Empathy

The Five Powerful Results of Empathy

There is no more important time for kids to know they're loved than when they misbehave. If the love message misses them then, they may think that love is conditional. People who believe that tend to rise and fall with their performance and compromise themselves for approval. Not what we want for our kids. So communicate love through empathy!
Warnings Make Kids Less Responsible

Do Warnings Teach Kids to Be Less Responsible?

When dealing with a misbehaving child, many parents follow this pattern: instruction, warning, warning, last warning, really strong last warning, angry explosion!! When we stretch out our instructions into multiple warnings and don’t follow through, it teaches our children to…

Did God Spank Moses 1

Did God Spank Moses?

The story of Moses at the burning bush is (thanks to Cecil DeMille and Charlton Heston) one of the most famous stories in the Old Testament (see Exodus 3 & 4). But have you ever read it as an example…