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Lynne Jackson

Lynne Jackson

My Kids Messes Drive Me CRAZY

My Kids’ Messes Drive Me CRAZY!

For years I have struggled with the mess that our lively, spontaneous, creative, frequently disorganized children made at high speed. I used to call it “Trash and Dash.” Since their father has somewhat more “relaxed” standards of housekeeping than I…

Key to Childs Success

The Most Important Key to a Child’s Success

Pretty much every parent wants their children to succeed in life. When talking about teaching kids to be successful, parents often want to jump right to tactical issues like chores, homework, respect, and obedience. These are important issues, and we’ve written…

Want Kids to Value Your Advice Try This. 1

Want Kids to Value Your Advice? Try This.

  Caroline was thoughtful as I described how our young adult kids call from time to time and ask us to help them think through a situation. “After they describe their dilemma, we usually ask them thoughtful questions to guide…

mentoring parent child blessing

Why We’ll Never Stop Having Kids

  Although I’m 62 and won’t be giving birth to any more children any time soon, I recently reflected that God gives us children in many ways, some biologically and some spiritually. It is a privilege to build into the…

Is Your Kid a Drama Queen Great

Is Your Kid a Drama Queen? Great!

Ever roll your eyes and and internally judge a child as a “drama queen” or “king”? Time to stop judging and start guiding that drama talent to empower kids to turn their misbehavior around! And here’s why: