So you’re raising a feisty spitfire? Cool!
Julia was a spitfire. When she was a tyke, she was ready to take the world by storm. All who knew her mom, Maggie, knew of this little one’s intensity. Creativity, exuberance, a ferocious snuggle instinct, and excellent vocabulary…
Redirect Power Struggles with One Question
Ten minutes before dinner your child wheels around the corner and asks, "Can I go to a friend's for dinner?" Many parent mentors would suggest that this is one of those times to stand firm. And we agree. The question is - about what should we be firm?

A Creative Alternative to Those Endless Reminders…
Big sister Bella bounces and crashes her way through life with Tigger-like abandon, unaware of the impact of her big movements and energy on those around her. When it came to pushing her new little brother in his baby…

Beat the Monday Blues with Sunday Lavender
In a coaching session, Karen shared that their family’s weekly schedule seemed to take them captive every Sunday night. Lilly, their third-grader, unofficially declared it “Moan and groan about Monday morning” time. The whole family would get drawn into her…

When Kids Just Won’t Obey: The Clash of Giants
I’ve blown it many times. But the following event stands out as an example of both a failure to live by the stuff I teach, and the power of the teaching. Upon reflection, it’s a tale of battling giants. One…