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Parenting Tips Blog

Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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Thanks for visiting our blog. If you’ve not yet tuned into our podcast, you’re going to want to. Next time you’re washing dishes or folding laundry, let Connected Families’ message of grace and truth seep into your parenting.

Advice for Dads

Advice for Dads

Dear Dads, We are a big deal.   Our kids look up to us in a unique way. They need our affirmation and approval. Statistics show that kids who get a father’s love tend to soar well into the world, and…

Announcing our new tagline!

Hey friends, We’re excited to introduce our new tagline to those of you who helped form it. With your fantastic suggestions regarding the value you find through Connected Families, we condensed and interpreted what you told us.  Here it is:…

defiant jesus

The Power of Defiance

Jesus was defiant. He defied Satan’s temptation. He defied the religious structures of the day. He defied legalism. He even defied death. One of our problems as parents is that we treat our kids’ defiance as if it is entirely…