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Parenting Tips Blog

Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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Child not ready for school NW 1

My Child Will Not Get Ready for School On Time | Ep. 10

We’re in back-to-school season, bringing all the joy and anxiety that comes with it. One question we hear when we talk with parents is, “What do I do when my child won’t get ready for school on time?” This week…

tween quits music

My Tween Wants to Quit Music Lessons | Ep. 8

“I don’t WANT to practice my trumpet.” “My piano teacher is mean!” “I don’t have time to practice with all this homework. I want to quit!”  Sound familiar? In today’s podcast, Stacy Bellward and Jim Jackson interview Chad Hayenga, LMFT…

My Child says hate you Podcast 1

My Child Says, “I Hate You!” | Ep. 6

Words are powerful.  We can so easily take it personally when we hear hurtful words from our children like,  “I HATE YOU!” But instead of reacting in frustration and anger, we encourage you to look below the surface. There may…