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Category Coach

SM screen time and kids Ep 185

Screen Time and Kids: How to Say YES More Often, While Kids Have LESS Screen Time | Ep. 185

If you’re struggling with screens and boundary setting with your kids, tune into this interview with Brittany and Kevin Hoffman. Their home has transformed as they’ve learned to ask questions, listen, and point to the bigger YES. If you’re not…

SM micromanage our kids Ep 177

Are You Micromanaging Your Kids? Here’s How to Stop | Ep. 177

Listen in as we talk with Chad Hayenga (Connected Families Director of Education and Equipping) about parental anxiety and micromanagement, and how these can negatively impact your relationship with your child. Chad and Stacy (podcast host) discuss common scenarios that…

SM kids arguments Ep 167

Kids’ Arguments: Establish Peace with 4 Steps | Ep. 167

If your kids’ bickering ever drives you bonkers, you’ll want to hear this fresh perspective with our guest and certified parent coach, Megan Thorp. Stacy and Megan unpack the Connected Families’ approach to transform kids’ arguments into opportunities to build…

SM Ep 156

Navigating Family Gatherings | Ep 156

With the holidays fast approaching, we are pulling ​a classic podcast from the archives​ where Chad Hayenga joins Stacy Bellward to discuss some ideas for navigating family gatherings. Enjoy! Are you looking forward to celebrating holidays with family but dreading…

Teach Your Kids To Trust God

Teach Your Kids How to Trust God

Parents who value their faith long to teach their children to trust God and walk in a vibrant, resilient relationship with Christ. Being involved in a local faith community is certainly a vital part of that. But as important as…