Category Foundation
The Great Thing About Yelling…
The great thing about yelling is that it helps a parent unload a lot of frustration and for the moment feel a sense of control. The bad part is – that moment is short-lived. Whatever damage was done in the…
The Big Problem with Parenting…
We meet or talk nearly every day with parents. Most of them contact us because they need help. After hearing bits of their story, we usually ask, “What are your goals as parents?” In their answers we learn much about…
Hide God’s Word in Your Heart This Summer
You know those slips of paper that come home with your kids every Sunday from Sunday School? They might have a “what we learned” and a “try this at home” and always a memory verse to work on during…
How One Small Change Made a HUGE Difference
Patty and Carl had been through more coaching sessions than most parents, and felt a bit stuck. Patty chronically focused on her shortcomings as a parent, and felt plagued by resentment toward her oldest son. I knew that they needed…
Mercy in the Midst of Our Struggle
“Can’t you just get in the bathtub without arguing?!!” Daniel and I were nose-to-nose in a typical power struggle. I knew it was going to take most of my intellectual and emotional savvy just to get this grimy little kid…
Letter to a Discouraged Parent
To the discouraged Mom in the third row, As I share a story from my own parenting journey, our eyes meet and I sense a sadness inside of you. You are here alone. Are you a single parent? Are you…
A confession from a Connected Families employee…
I’ve read a ton of Connected Families content over the past couple years and, now that I’m on staff, I’m reading even more. By now, you could say that the Connected Families Framework has become ingrained in my psyche. I…
The sky is closer than you think…
The following is based on a reflection written by our eldest son, Daniel. We’ve adapted it a bit to speak more to parents. ~Jim & Lynne What a relief it is to know that even if I somehow managed…
Build Your Easter on the Cross
Easter: The day when we sit through church together, and then VROOM! On to the… Ham. Potatoes. Egg hunts. Chocolate bunnies. Bright baskets overflowing with treats. It’s easy for our Easter celebration to focus on fun, lively traditions that have…