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Empowering Your Differently Wired Child | Ep. 124

differently wired child Ep 124

Do you have a child who is wired differently? You’ve probably felt frustrated or discouraged at times about how to support your child through daily routines or going to school. It may be challenging to know what your child needs and offer that at the right time.  

In today’s podcast, Katie Wetsell and Corrie Thetford (Connected Families Certified Parent Coaches) join Stacy Bellward (podcast host) for a conversation about empowering your uniquely and wonderfully wired child.  


In this podcast, you’ll discover:

  • How to evaluate what’s going on in your heart about your child. Do you need to “fix” your child? Or better understand your child? 
  • The opportunity therapy presents for you to learn with your child and as well as keep the momentum from therapy going at home
  • Ideas for supporting your child in a learning environment at school or home and how to help your child discover and accept what they need to be successful
  • Ways to talk about and celebrate differences in your family
  • How one 13-year-old has felt supported and empowered by his parents

We hope that you have been encouraged by today’s podcast, and we look forward to getting to know you. Please check out our website, and don’t forget to reach out if you need help. It is a joy to walk with you as you parent your kids in God’s grace and truth!

Mentioned in this podcast:

Guest Bio:

Corrie Thetford and her husband Alan have four children and are Connected Families Certified Parent Coaches as well as instructors for CF coaches-in-training. They are passionate about multiplying the gospel by helping families transform power struggles and conflicts into opportunities for gospel messages.  

Katie Wetsell is our online course moderator. She is also a Connected Families Certified Parent Coach, pediatric nurse, and mom of four through birth and adoption. She is passionate about encouraging and empowering parents to love their family with confidence and connection. Building on her bedside experience, she has also been trained in SPACE treatment (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions) to help parents support their children in overcoming anxiety. Her website is www.parentwithhope.org.

Rylan Wetsell is Katie’s 13-year-old, bright, witty son who is overcoming the challenges associated with being differently wired to grow in wisdom and courage. He is an advocate, with his mom, for himself and others affected by stuttering, Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and learning disabilities.

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