How to Raise a Responsible Student (Who Has a Social Life) | Ep. 74

responsible student

If you’re like most parents, you want your child to be a responsible student. But you also want them to use their time wisely to they can have an active social life. (Aaaannnnd, it would be great if they were good at athletics, debate, excited about youth group every Wednesday night, AND could get their chores done without complaining. 😊)

Whatever your child’s strengths and challenges are, each school year brings a new set of hopes and dreams. You want your child to be a responsible student, but you also want them to learn life skills that will set them up for success outside of school. 

Want a responsible student?

In this podcast, Stacy Bellward (podcast host) is joined by Bonnie Williams and Corrie Thetford (Connected Families Parent Coaches). This conversation will bring you incredibly practical and thoughtful strategies to guide your child toward responsibility in their schoolwork and beyond. 

Coaching your child to be responsible can be an opportunity to build wisdom and connection. Find out how you can create a foundation of safety today that will open your child’s heart to work as a team with you, as you tackle all that life brings this year.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Ways to come alongside with support and encouragement while still holding your child responsible for their schoolwork 
  • How certain expectations, beliefs, and demands can negatively impact your efforts to help your child
  • Lighthearted curious questions you can ask your child to build wisdom and set them up for success
  • The importance of discerning what’s under the surface causing anxiety and lack of motivation in your child’s schoolwork battles

Have you found yourself trying to figure out how to raise a responsible student? What strategies have helped you and your child navigate homework challenges? Is there something you would love to hear more about in our podcasts? We’d love to hear from you!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

About our guests on today’s podcast:

Bonnie Williams has a Master of Education in Special Education. She is a wife and the mother of 3 teenagers. She has supported students with learning and behavior challenges for over 25 years, specializing in working with parents with children ages 3 to 15. Helping families apply the Connected Families Framework is what Bonnie is passionate about. By doing this they can learn new strategies to grow in wisdom and help lead them in having peaceful, grace-filled homes. You can reach her by email at

Corrie Thetford has a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling. At some point she and her husband realized that the way they disciplined was driving a wedge between them and their kids. Because of this they sought coaching through Connected Families. Now, as Connected Families Certified Coaches, they work with other families to experience that same change and restored joy that they found through their coaching experience. Together, Corrie and Alan have founded Building Wise Families. You can learn more about them on the Building Wise Families Podcast. You can reach them by email at

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