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Is Mom Guilt Good? | Ep. 79

mom guilt

Mom guilt is real and it feels so heavy. Moms, do you ever find your thoughts spiraling through these statements?

“I’m such a mess!” “I can’t get it together and my kids don’t like me!” “I’m a bad mom”

Stress, feeling overwhelmed, and lack of sleep can intensify all these feelings. It’s important to know you are not alone in the struggle with guilt and shame. And you don’t have to stay stuck in it. There is always hope!

In today’s podcast, Katie Wetsell (pediatric nurse and Connected Families Certified Parent Coach ) joins Stacy Bellward (podcast host) to share her own personal story of how she worked through difficult feelings of mom guilt. Katie shares with us the steps she took to embrace the truth of Jesus’ deep love and grace, and some surprising truths about looking at guilt through the filter of faith

When viewed through the filter of God’s redemptive love and purpose, guilt can actually provide an opportunity for transformation within the safety of God’s gentleness and grace. And when we receive that gentleness and grace from God, we can in turn pour it out and model it to our children. You don’t have to live in the discouragement of Mom guilt!

In this podcast, you’ll discover:

  • the difference between guilt and shame and why it matters
  • why moms often feel intense guilt about their parenting (and how you can navigate this in a healthy way!)
  • the importance of the first level, Foundation, in the Connected Families Framework ”What’s going on in me?”–to break the cycle of shame
  • how you can be set free from the lies that keep you stuck in mom guilt through the redemptive and powerful love of Jesus

Mentioned in this podcast:

About Katie Wetsell: Katie has always had a calling on her heart to care for children. She is a pediatric oncology nurse and pediatric nurse practitioner. After experiencing the benefits of parent coaching through Connected Families herself, Katie later resigned from nursing and became a certified parent coach as well. She and her husband have 4 children (3 boys and a girl) through birth and adoption. Katie is also trained in SPACE treatment to help parents learn how to support their children struggling with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. For more information or to contact Katie, visit her website Parent With Hope.

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A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 197