Tag shame

episode 121 featured

Teaching Kids the Framework | Ep. 121

If you’re reading this, you probably hope to bring more connection, grace, and unconditional love into your parenting this year. And maybe you’re wondering how you can get your whole family on the same page. The Connected Families Framework can…

NW Blog post images 6

Is Mom Guilt Good? | Ep. 79

Mom guilt is real and it feels so heavy. Moms, do you ever find your thoughts spiraling through these statements? “I’m such a mess!” “I can’t get it together and my kids don’t like me!” “I’m a bad mom” Stress,…

Covered Ears

“I can’t hear you!”

“I can’t hear you!! I can’t hear you!!” You thought his misbehavior was frustrating, but when your child covers his ears and yells “I can’t hear you!” it sends your blood pressure through the roof! We received this question from…

Getting Unstuck

Need vs Want

I plopped down on the couch with a friend and lamented about my latest parenting challenge. “I just need to learn to calmly follow through with a clear consequence. I keep getting in this nagging cycle. I need to stop…

Its Okay to Mess Up

It’s OK to Mess Up

Catie came for coaching to address sibling conflict and disrespect. During one session she confessed, “I get so mad when one son hits the other, and I just blew it yesterday. I got so angry, and yelled, and it all…