Tag loved no matter what
How To Explain Grace to a Child in a Creative Way: One Dad’s Story
Grace. This undeserved, unearned gift is at the center of our faith at Connected Families. Yet, most parents struggle with defining or explaining grace to kids. If you’re here reading this, you probably already know you need grace every single…
Your child is “playing doctor” with a friend
The Connected Families Framework is an effective tool for parents to utilize in a variety of challenging scenarios, including teaching children healthy boundaries. It provides four powerful messages to kids; even in hard situations as we desire to pass along…
“My Daughter Was Having a ‘No, No, NO!’ Morning”
Matthew and his wife, Krista, attended a Connected Families workshop when “because we said so” wasn’t working with their 3-year-old daughter, Brooklyn. Since that workshop, about a year ago, what they’ve learned has permeated many parts of their life. As…
My Child Is Not My Report Card
Several years ago Meg became acquainted with Connected Families. While she was listening to the Grace and Truth for Moms message, she was struck by this powerful thought, “I’m so glad Jesus is my report card, not the kids!” See if…
How to Break the Cycle of Crabbiness and Negativity
“I’m bored. No one wants to play with me. I hate my classes and that teacher. I’m no good at anything! Everything is just dumb!” Sound familiar? Kids can be pretty good at complaining and crabbing their way to get…