Tag patience

My Child Wants Nothing to Do With Me. Is There Hope?
“My daughter seems distant.” or “My son wants nothing to do with me. It seems like my efforts at connecting just push him further away!” Can you relate to these statements? We’ve heard statements like these from plenty of parents.…

7 Activities to Teach Patience to the Child Who Wants It NOW
You want to teach your child patience, but it probably feels like an uphill battle. See if this sounds familiar. Your child asks for something. Maybe you’re not opposed to their idea, but it’s something they’re going to have to…

But What About My Toddler?
At Connected Families we are often asked, “How does your framework apply to toddlers when they seem too young to understand but are certainly showing their strength of will?” We’ve compiled a list of our favorite posts relating to…

Are You Raising a Blessing in Disguise?
Life brings countless trials. For many parents, a prominent trial is the raising of a particularly sensitive, intense, or strong-willed child who struggles more in life than other kids. Some of these parents grow increasingly discouraged by the challenge. But…

Kids Are Like Puppies
Little kids are kind of like puppies. They usually love unconditionally and are often forgiving when parents make mistakes of all kinds. Mom nags, child whines, they get through it and get back to normal quickly. Dads yell, kids cry, but…

How to Be a Safer Parent
Today we’d like to share with you a story from the blog of Bo, a dad who with his wife Jen took our online course and shared with us this beautiful story of their journey to become safer parents. We…

5 From-the-Heart Valentine Gifts for Your Children
Pretty much every parent agrees that it’s important to connect well with our children. But whether you struggle with a particular age or have personality clashes with your child, sometimes connecting is easier said than done! So just in time for…

When Kids Act Up, Don’t Try to Be More Patient…
There are certain time when kids seem especially prone to “pushing our buttons”: after Christmas, after birthdays, summertime, and the list goes on. Kids have trouble figuring out “sharing patterns” for their stuff, everyone’s jazzed on sugar and tired from disrupted…