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Tag tantrums

A Better Way to Respond to Tantrums

A Better Way to Respond to Tantrums

Whether you call them tantrums, meltdowns, or “big feelings” – we all know that most kids (and therefore most parents) struggle at times when emotions overtake the ability to think and reason well. When it comes to dealing with kids’…

Why Do Kids Tantrum

Why Do Kids Tantrum?

Simply stated, kids have tantrums because they pay off. In some convoluted sort of way they get what they want. Even if it means they lose their cool and wear themselves out. The challenge for a parent is determining what exactly a…

Why Kids Explode and What to Do about It

Why Kids Explode and What to Do About It

Just like us, our kids sometimes react angrily when something important to them feels attacked. First expressions of anger are almost always aggressive. As kids get old enough to express themselves, the aggression becomes words and actions. One day I…

Tantrums From Tots To Teens

Tantrums From Tots To Teens

  Teen Tantrums Teen Tantrums are not all that different than two-year-old tantrums. So read the tip below and apply those principles. But there are some distinctions, too. Because teen tantrums are usually verbal, the teens frequently say things that…