Love – No Matter What!
For I am convinced that neither arguing nor defiance, neither sibling conflict nor disrespect, neither bad grades nor failure, neither whining nor lying, neither forgetfulness nor messes, nor any other misbehavior will be able to separate you from my love…
Business Wisdom for Parents
We were excited to see our frequently-used concept of “the do over” appear on the blog of business and leadership guru Seth Godin, and we think his insights apply just as much to parents as to businesspeople. Here’s what he…
When Parenting Seems About to Boil Over
Today we’d like to introduce you to Joel and Amy. We’ve invited them to share their story of learning to parent their two sons. There is a wise old tale that is told about the frog in the pot. If…
Your Parenting Skills Are Not the Most Important Thing. This Is.
Jesus said that “smart carpenters” build a sturdy house on solid rock. Then when the storms of life hit, nothing will move the house. This doesn’t mean storms won’t pelt the house from time to time, and even inflict some…
When You Want to Be Heard… Whisper
In our online course a parent once asked the following question: I see the difference you’re talking about between typical parenting and parenting with the four messages in mind… and I like the difference I see… here comes the BUT… what…
How to Be a Safer Parent
Today we’d like to share with you a story from the blog of Bo, a dad who with his wife Jen took our online course and shared with us this beautiful story of their journey to become safer parents. We…
Seven Minutes of Life-Changing Parenting Wisdom
When it comes to raising your kids, we know how frustrating it can be to put your whole heart into it over the years and continue seeing the same issues, the same misbehavior, the same fights, repeat themselves over and…
How to Thank God for Your Kids’ Misbehavior
When kids misbehave, often our default is to pray for patience or even for the misbehavior to go away. But have you ever thought about thanking God for your kids’ misbehavior? Check out the powerful way this mom of three…
How do I keep from favoring one child over the others?
We received the following question from a parent: Q: What can I do to not show favoritism even when in some sense, certain kids really are my favorites? The favoring of one child over others is common. Sociologists tell us…
How do I talk to my kids about sin?
Recently we received a question from a parent who, after reading this blog post, was confused about how to use scripture to talk with her kids about sin.——— Q: How can I talk to my kids about sin?I think the word sin…