What to Do When Kids are Focused on Making Money
Can it ever be a good thing for kids to focus on making money? In response to our post about kids wanting things NOW, a mom posted the following question about how to deal with a young child who is…
How to Find the Good… Even in Misbehavior!
“…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute – if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise – let your mind dwell on these things”…
The Critical Cry of Every Child to Their Parents
I love baseball. Before I ever even thought about marriage, I dreamt about the day I would teach my own children to play baseball. The first time I went into the backyard with three-year-old Daniel to teach him the game, I…
Why You Don’t Need a New Parenting Strategy
John was fed up. He told me that everything he’d tried had failed. No matter what consequences or logic John put in place, his 6th grade son Ben just wouldn’t take responsibility for getting himself up and moving and out the…
How I Avoided a Full-Blown Affair
One day, early in my career, I found myself growing attracted to a woman at work. I felt competent and respected in this rewarding and harmonious relationship. It was fun. It was new. It was energizing. I found myself wanting…
Is Kids’ Misbehavior Actually Bad?
We have been trained to think in black-and-white terms about a lot of things. Kids’ misbehavior is one of them. When kids misbehave we say to ourselves and to our kids, “That was bad! It needs to stop!” The opposite…
How do I get my son to stop talking back?
How do I get my 7-year-old son to stop talking back to everything we say? He is always right and we are always wrong! … We try discipline, taking away some of his toys, etc. but nothing seems to work.…
Tired of Not Feeling “Christian” Enough? This is for You.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13) I remember the sign on the men’s dorm wall during my freshman year at a Christian college. A spiritual disciplines checklist was posted…
3 Powerful Steps to Redirect a Bored Kid
A thoughtful parent wrote us with the following question: How do I encourage my child to be more creative with his time? For example, not spending so much time on the computer or sitting in front of the television? This…
What do I do when my child just says no?
Recently we received this question from Michelle: I am struggling with a tween who often says no to my requests. She is a good girl most of the time, but she will be disrespectful to me and I have no…