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Jim Jackson

Jim Jackson

How to Find the Good… Even in Misbehavior

How to Find the Good… Even in Misbehavior!

“…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute – if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise – let your mind dwell on these things”…

NW Full Blown Affair

How I Avoided a Full-Blown Affair

One day, early in my career, I found myself growing attracted to a woman at work. I felt competent and respected in this rewarding and harmonious relationship. It was fun. It was new. It was energizing. I found myself wanting…

Is Kids Misbehavior Actually Bad

Is Kids’ Misbehavior Actually Bad?

We have been trained to think in black-and-white terms about a lot of things. Kids’ misbehavior is one of them. When kids misbehave we say to ourselves and to our kids, “That was bad! It needs to stop!” The opposite…

3 Powerful Steps to Redirect a Bored Kid

3 Powerful Steps to Redirect a Bored Kid

A thoughtful parent wrote us with the following question: How do I encourage my child to be more creative with his time? For example, not spending so much time on the computer or sitting in front of the television? This…