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Parenting Tips Blog

Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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Thanks for visiting our blog. If you’ve not yet tuned into our podcast, you’re going to want to. Next time you’re washing dishes or folding laundry, let Connected Families’ message of grace and truth seep into your parenting.

JL Christmas 2018

Christmas Greetings

Hey friends,  We want to wish you a very blessed Christmas. As Lynne and I reflect on Immanuel – God with us, we have been challenged this year to remember that God is indeed with us in all the messes…

dad as coach

Learning to Enter as a Coach

Brendon and Naomi are parents to three kids; ages 6, 4, and 2. After completing the Sibling Conflict online course Brendon reported, “This course has had a profound impact on our parenting!” He told us the following story about one…