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MotherSon Divide NW 1

4 Simple Ways to Bridge the Mother-Son Divide

Father-daughter dances bring delight as tall suits and little skirts whirl around the dance floor. A mother-daughter brunch is bright with “girly chatter.” Adventurous camaraderie abounds at father-son outings. But how many of us have ever been to (or even…

12 DTC podcast LOVED

Communicating Love in the Midst of Misbehavior | Ep. 12

Stacy Bellward is joined by Jim and Lynne Jackson to talk about a message that is essential for discipline situations: You are LOVED no matter what!  Why is this necessary? Don’t kids already know they are loved? During the frustration…

1200x628 Mom to Mom NW 1

Mom to Mom:

Last weekend, in honor of Mothers’ Day, we asked the women in our Facebook and Instagram communities what advice, encouragement, or insight they would give to moms just starting out on their parenting journey. One consistent theme emerged: GRACE –…

Blessing in Disguise 1

Are You Raising a Blessing in Disguise?

Life brings countless trials. For many parents, a prominent trial is the raising of a particularly sensitive, intense, or strong-willed child who struggles more in life than other kids. Some of these parents grow increasingly discouraged by the challenge. But…