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Sassy 1

WHAT-EVER!! Ideas for Responding to Sass With Class

What-EVER! (with an eye roll) You’ve seen it a hundred, maybe even a thousand times. Your child doesn’t like what you’ve said and responds with a head tilt, and eye roll, and the grand pronouncement, “What-EVER!!!!” What do you do…

Transitions Its Time to Go

Transitions: It’s Time to Go

Does this sound familiar?  Picture yourself standing, hands on hips at the front door saying (maybe loudly, even): “C’mon, kids. It’s time to go. Kids…. Kids…. It’s time to go!!! You need to listen to me! Get moving – NOW!”…

A Better Way to Respond to Tantrums

A Better Way to Respond to Tantrums

Whether you call them tantrums, meltdowns, or “big feelings” – we all know that most kids (and therefore most parents) struggle at times when emotions overtake the ability to think and reason well. When it comes to dealing with kids’…

Big Do Over

The Big Do-Over

Here is another story from Joel and Amy Nelson, parents of two sons, who have previously shared their story here. Enjoy! Parenting may not come with a manual, but I sure have read a lot of the parenting books out…

NW Not Defiance Its Science

It’s Not Defiance—It’s Science!

Pretty much every kid loves to experiment with chaos: dropping food, smearing things, investigating cupboards or containers, throwing toys — you name it, a toddler has probably gotten into it. It can be easy to get aggravated when your child…

How to Deal With Potty Talk 1 1

How to Deal with Kids’ Potty Talk

Few things get parents’ attention as quickly as kids’ potty talk! Recently I worked with a family whose two boys, Will and Logan (ages 5 and 3), were frequently finding hilarious entertainment in each other’s potty humor. But parents John and…