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Category Discipline

SM Ep 156

Navigating Family Gatherings | Ep 156

With the holidays fast approaching, we are pulling ​a classic podcast from the archives​ where Chad Hayenga joins Stacy Bellward to discuss some ideas for navigating family gatherings. Enjoy! Are you looking forward to celebrating holidays with family but dreading…

SM Ep 155

Blocked Care: Rekindle Compassion in Your Heart | Ep. 155

In today’s episode on blocked care, Stacy talks with author Melissa Corkum about her book Reclaim Compassion. “Blocked care (also known as compassion fatigue) is when a parent becomes emotionally unavailable following repeated rejected attempts to support their child. The…

SM Ep 154

Stories of Transformation…One Mom’s Journey | Ep. 154

Listen as we chat with Anna Braasch about finding hope through the Connected Families Framework. Do you remember when a friend introduced you to Connected Families? Or, maybe you are brand new to Connected Families’ resources–we’re so glad you found…

SM Ep 153

A Circle of Support: What Does a Mentor Do for a Child? | Ep. 153

Here at Connected Families, we often talk about how you can pass your faith on to your kids. Have you thought about how you can help sustain your child’s faith into their adult years? Research reveals that 60 percent of…