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Category Discipline

19 DAD podcast Kids Watching 1

Your kids? They’re watching. ALL the time. | Ep. 20

In this podcast, Chad Hayenga and Jim Jackson will challenge you to think through what you’re modeling as you parent. They’ll equip you with natural, effective ways to “live your life out loud” in a manner that builds faith and…

honoring imperfect dads podcast NW 1

Honoring Our Imperfect Dads | Ep. 19

If you’ve struggled in your relationship with one (or both!) of your parents, this podcast can give life-changing insight. Hurt and resentment left to brew under the surface can often perpetuate the effects of sin passing from one generation to…

best isnt good enough podcast NW 1

When Doing My Best Isn’t Good Enough | Ep. 18

In this podcast episode, Jim and Chad take a deeper dive into the dynamics of dads’ good intentions with their kids. If you sometimes feel like you’re doing your best and it’s just not good enough, be encouraged and equipped…

We Say STOP They Say NO NW 1

We Say “Stop!” They say, “NO!”

 Working with parents for over twenty years, we consistently see the following scenarios play out with kids of all ages:  Parents say “Do this!” Kids refuse.  Parents say “Stop!” Kids do it anyway. Parents say, “Come!” Kids dash the other…

Grace filled path podcast NW 1

Leading Down a Grace-Filled Path | Ep. 17

Join Jim Jackson, Connected Families co-founder, and Chad Hayenga, LMFT, Certified Life Coach and parent coach, for this first episode in a 5-part series for dads. Moms, of course you’re welcome to listen! But Jim and Chad will be addressing…