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Category Discipline

Beat Boredom with These Four Tips

  Research has shown that being bored is not such a bad thing for kids.  Boredom can foster creativity and patience.  Yet, when a parent hears that tired phrase again and again, we may feel the need to “fix” the…

What If We are Doing It Backwards 2

What If We’re Doing It All Backwards?

Jeni wants her ten-year-old, Timmy, to be more obedient and responsible. What parent doesn’t want this? So when Timmy disobeys, and doesn’t take responsibility to clean up the kitchen as assigned on his chore chart, she enters the all too common battle of wills to get him to do his job.

One of Our Biggest Parenting Mistakes...

One of Our Biggest Parenting Mistakes…

One of our biggest parenting mistakes is to try to get kids to behave right for the wrong reasons. It’s a good thing to want our kids to behave responsibly and to internalize the value of responsibility, but parents tend…