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My Child Won’t Get Off Screens | Ep. 2

Child Wont Get Off Screens Podcast 1 1

SCREEN TIME!!! It’s a persistent battle in almost every home. And it is one of the questions we receive most frequently. What should you do when your child constantly asks you for screen time?  And more screen time? We expand on the following three ideas in this podcast:

  1. Get yourself calm.
  2. Be clear about expectations, and what will happen if expectations aren’t met.
  3. Hold kids accountable to meet those expectations in a way that gains, not loses, kids’ respect.

Your calm respectfulness gives weight to your authority so you can hold your kids accountable.

Might sound simple, but what does this look like in everyday life? Listen in as we use role plays to pull apart a typical parent-child interaction about screens. 

Our guest today is Connected Families parent coach Chad Hayenga. Chad is a licensed marriage and family therapist and has coached hundreds of parents – many with tween and teen children (and their challenges). Chad gives practical tips for this heated topic of screen time.

He will help you explore the questions:

  • What is your child hearing from you as you engage about screen time?
  • What messages are they getting from you?
  • Is there a better approach?
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Help your child feel safe, loved, called and capable, and responsible for their actions. Check out the resources we mentioned on the podcast:

Want to learn more?

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