Tag building character

How to Help Kids Like Each Other… with Photos!
Ever feel like the moments where your kids actually like each other are few and far between? Or like deep down they love each other, but they forget as their connection gets lost in the shuffle of sibling conflict and…

What to Do When Kids are Focused on Making Money
Can it ever be a good thing for kids to focus on making money? In response to our post about kids wanting things NOW, a mom posted the following question about how to deal with a young child who is…

Christians and the Elf On The Shelf
Elf on the Shelf, Reindeer in Here*, or a host of other Christmas characters may have your head spinning. As Christians, is there value in these characters or do they take away from the true, grace-filled, birth of Jesus at…

Build Kids Up with Nourishing Affirmation in 30 Seconds
Kids need encouragement. But not all affirmation is created equal! Some affirmation is empty — like popcorn or cotton candy — but nourishing affirmation builds kids up by helping them see how their actions benefit others or build their character.…

Growing Maturity in Your Child
Joslyn and Mike’s sensitive 4-year-old Tyler had perfected the art of out-of-control meltdowns, sassiness, and occasional aggression. When they came for coaching, they were exhausted from trying to manage this difficult behavior when it occurred. Through the coaching process Joslyn…

Compliments that Nourish Kids’ Character
We do it all the time. “Nice work! Great job! You’re so awesome!” It’s nice to take notice and give energy to the good things our kids do. But throwing kids compliments like this without any substance is akin to…