Tag family time

Do You Love Family Travel? (Or Not So Much?!)
If you love family travel time, we want to share some ideas that will both deepen your love of family travel AND your family’s faith and values. But maybe you don’t always love it so much… We get it. Sometimes…

Receiving Unsolicited Parenting Advice?
4 Tips to Respond with Confidence

Top 4 Tips to Make This the Best Christmas Yet
Another Christmas season is upon us and many of us are struggling to figure out how to navigate our current reality. We’ve compiled a list of some of our best Christmas posts for you to look at when you have…

Loving the PARENT of Your Reality
As you head into the holiday season there’s a good chance you’ll spend more time with your extended family than you typically would. With that in mind, we invite you to observe and think about your relationship with your parents…

Questions to Put the THANKS Back in Thanksgiving
“So, kids, what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?” you ask. “My family, my house, my friends, my dog and Jesus.” (Same answers as last year….) If you think your kids might be open to some deeper thinking this year,…
To Unlock Your Child’s Heart, Just Ask for the Key!
If you are reading this, you probably want your kids to know how much you love them. And you probably tell them often that you do. But effectively communicating love is not always so simple. How can we be…

Beat Boredom This Summer With These 4 Tips
Research has shown that being bored is not such a bad thing for kids. Boredom can foster creativity and patience. Yet, when a parent hears that tired phrase, “I’m bored!” again and again, we may feel the need to fix…

5 Ways to Find Sanity During Family Car Trips
Ahh, the bliss of car-trip vacations. Do family car trips tend to drive you insane? Does it feel like your kids will have more memories of annoyed parents than exciting memories of adventure? Whether our children are toddlers or teens,…

Creating Memorable Moments With Your Family This Summer
Making meaningful memories is one of the best parts of summer. How are you doing during this season? Have you been able to create memorable moments together? Connected Families consists of people like you, moms and dads who want what’s…

The Best Vacation Ever
Tom was worried about taking his family on a short mission trip to a South Dakota Indian reservation. He told me, “We’re really interested in this trip. We think it would be good for us and for our kids. But…