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My Child Is Always So Negative; What Do I Do?
Do you have a negative child? You know, the one that seemingly sees the worst in every situation? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is my child so negative all the time?” Kyle and Ella came to me for coaching,…

What To Do When You Think Your Child Is Doomed
Imagine you have endured one of those days when everything goes wrong. The challenges of parenting drain every last ounce of energy and hope from your soul. You feel in your bones that your children are doomed by every parenting…

Is Your Discipline Too Tough, Too Soft, or Just Right?
Kids are struggling these days. There is more confusion about life and the pace of life keeps us scrambling. We are not as thoughtful as we would want to be. We tend to parent from a confused place of anxiety…

Is Your Response to Misbehavior Helpful or Hurtful?
When you see your child doing something hurtful, it’s second nature to want to jump in and correct the behavior immediately! But sometimes this can actually stop our kids from learning. Kyle and Ella were tired of the conflicts from…

Why This Mom Loved Her Messy, Lopsided Christmas Tree
While this “creative” design might have your fingers itching to straighten those dangling garlands, the mom whose tree it is decided she liked it how it was. Why? It was decorated by her children, a 2-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a…

The Most Important Key to a Child’s Success
Pretty much every parent wants their children to succeed in life. When talking about teaching kids to be successful, parents often want to jump right to tactical issues like chores, homework, respect, and obedience. These are important issues, and we’ve written…

“If My Kid’s a Slob Now, How Will He Hold a Job Later?”
“When I look at my son’s messy room, it puts a knot in my stomach.” Joe was insightful and honest as he described his emotions about his son’s room. “Just the sight of his dresser drawers hanging out with stuff…

The Key to Consistent Parenting
It is often said that consistency is an important key to effective parenting. We agree wholeheartedly. However, we believe consistency is not so much about the method we choose, but the heart behind the method. If our heart is consistently…

How Your Smartphone Can Help Your Parenting
Ever wondered how your kids view you? Check out this mom’s simple plan to see herself through her kids’ eyes: I was intrigued by a TED talk about the benefits of teachers videoing themselves teaching in their classrooms. They use…