Tag misbehavior

“I dealt with big behavior by trying to control it and shut it down.”
Connected Families often hears from parents about how our framework has transformed their parenting. The foundation for our framework is, “You are SAFE with me.” The following story is from a mom who had experienced trauma alongside her daughter, and…

The Parenting Pitfall We All Get Stuck In
There’s a parenting pitfall that nearly all parents get stuck in at some point: “If my child behaves well, I am a good parent. If my child misbehaves, I am a bad parent.” Stated so bluntly, it’s obviously not true,…

Love – No Matter What!
For I am convinced that neither arguing nor defiance, neither sibling conflict nor disrespect, neither bad grades nor failure, neither whining nor lying, neither forgetfulness nor messes, nor any other misbehavior will be able to separate you from my love…

What Happens When We Approach Our Kids with an Empty Tank
Sometimes, especially when we’re stressed and our tank is on empty, it’s easy to approach kids with our needs instead of a full heart. We demand the good behavior that “fills our tank” instead of filling them with our love.…

Is Your Kid a Drama Queen? Great!
Ever roll your eyes and and internally judge a child as a “drama queen” or “king”? Time to stop judging and start guiding that drama talent to empower kids to turn their misbehavior around! And here’s why:

Is Kids’ Misbehavior Actually Bad?
We have been trained to think in black-and-white terms about a lot of things. Kids’ misbehavior is one of them. When kids misbehave we say to ourselves and to our kids, “That was bad! It needs to stop!” The opposite…

Feeling Stuck? Move Toward the Struggling Child.
Parents often find themselves at a loss when kids are particularly discouraged or struggling. It can begin to feel hopeless when everything you’ve tried to motivate them past the challenge has failed. You may start to feel more and more…

How to Thank God for Your Kids’ Misbehavior
When kids misbehave, often our default is to pray for patience or even for the misbehavior to go away. But have you ever thought about thanking God for your kids’ misbehavior? Check out the powerful way this mom of three…

How to Turn Mischief into an Opportunity to Build Wisdom
Becky and her two daughters, six-year-old Brianna and four-year-old Maisie, were at a playdate. The girls were downstairs with an older girl who was bit of a mischievous spitfire. Maisie came up and Becky noticed immediately that her hair had…