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Featured Ep 126

Why Is My Child So Angry All the Time? | Ep. 126

Are you trying to understand your child’s frequent frustration or angry eruptions? Do you find yourself turning to the internet to ask, “Why is my son so angry with me?” or “Why is my daughter so angry all the time?”…

episode 121 featured

Teaching Kids the Framework | Ep. 121

If you’re reading this, you probably hope to bring more connection, grace, and unconditional love into your parenting this year. And maybe you’re wondering how you can get your whole family on the same page. The Connected Families Framework can…

NW grandparenting new lens Ep 119

Grandparenting Through a New Lens | Ep. 119

Grandparents, we have something specifically for you today!  (If you’re a parent, listen and then consider sharing this episode with a grandparent in your life.) You long to build more connection into your relationships with your grandchildren or to be…

NW Blog post images

Navigating Family Gatherings | Ep. 118

Are you looking forward to celebrating Christmas with family but dreading unsolicited advice from well-meaning relatives?  You are not alone.  Changes in your daily routines, travel, lack of sleep, and large gatherings set the stage for parenting challenges.  Sometimes these…

NW Gospel in Parenting 107

The Gospel in Our Parenting, Part 2 | Ep. 117

Today’s podcast is part two of a series on how the gospel informs the Connected Families Framework.  Part one explored the gospel in the first three layers of the Framework. Today’s conversation will unpack how the gospel is woven into…

NW Parenting is harder Ep 115

When Parenting Is Harder Than You Thought It Would Be | Ep. 115

Before you had children you may have held idealistic visions of what family life and parenting would be like someday.  For some parents, as their hopes and expectations meet the realities of daily life, they begin to feel disillusioned. Insecurities…

NW Calm yourself ep 109

Calming Yourself Before Going Into Discipline | Ep.109

“Why are you so mad all the time?” Do you ever hear this from your child? You probably don’t intend to look mad. You may not even be aware of your furrowed brow or irritated expression. And it’s especially hard…