Tag technology

Kids Don’t Listen? How to Stop Lecturing and Start Asking Better Questions
Every parent has those moments when it feels like you’re chatting with the wind. You want to impart wisdom and decrease your child’s stress, but their glazed eyes seem to repeat your fear: “My kids don’t listen to me.” As…

I Just Can’t Get My Kids Off the Screen!
Don't just say, "No!" say, "Yes!" too!

What Do I Do When My Child Just Says No?
Recently we received this question from Michelle: I am struggling with a tween who often says no to my requests. She is a good girl most of the time, but she will be disrespectful to me, and I have no…
Connected Families Book Review
Connected Families provides resources for families to thrive. We love partnering with others who share our vision. Recently, Lynne Jackson wrote an endorsement of the book, 52 Ways to Connect With Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid by Jonathan McKee. She shares her…

3 Secrets to Grow from Screen Time Madness to Gladness This Summer
Are you feeling a little fear and trepidation about your kids’ free time this summer and the issues it brings? Summertime means long stretches of downtime. It also means that computer, television, and smartphone screens are an appealing way to…

When My Child Asked for an iPod, Here’s What I Said…
In this article I wrote about how my junior high daughter creatively and proactively asked for an iPod by preparing a well-thought-out list of answers to concerns she thought I might have. Here’s the rest of the story! My daughter’s proactive…

My Daughter Asked for an iPod Again… But This Time Was Different.
My daughter approached me with a typical question — one I’ve heard one hundred seventy-three times (but who’s counting). “Dad, can I have an iPod Touch?” But this time, her approach was different. She made a good pitch — she had…

3 Powerful Steps to Redirect a Bored Kid
A thoughtful parent wrote us with the following question: How do I encourage my child to be more creative with his time? For example, not spending so much time on the computer or sitting in front of the television? This…

“My parents yelled, and I turned out fine…”
Q: "Why did my husband and I turn out to be respectful, well-adjusted, polite adults even though we were raised with spanking and yelling?"
Great question, and one we hear often.
A Prescription for Connection [video]
A pediatrician friend of ours once had parents bring in their child and request a diagnosis of Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) so they could get a prescription. But our wise friend took a look beneath the surface to what was…