Unwrapping Regret: Making Peace with a Parenting Fail | Ep. 208

Parenting fail

If you imagine your most recent parenting fail, do you cringe or just laugh? Do you wallow in shame or regret? Today, we’re talking with Dijea Young about moving beyond regret into hope. She shares experiences as a mom to 8, grandmother, and Certified Connected Families Parent Coach and explains helpful strategies for transforming regrets into opportunities, particularly during the holidays.

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Guest Bio:

Dijea Young is a teacher, mother of eight, and grandma. For over 35 years, she has served children and families in a variety of roles. Now as a Certified Parent Coach, she combines her professional training and personal experience to help parents and grandparents nurture relationships across generations. For more information about Dijea or her services, visit www.Room4HopeCoaching.com or email Room4HopeCoaching@gmail.com


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A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 214