Christmas Parenting: How to Celebrate with Holiday Joy, Not Regret
Do you have Christmas parenting moments you wish you could do over? The wonder of Christmas often collides with parenting reality. This may lead you to say things you wish you’d not said and do things you wish you’d not…
How I Helped My Baby Sleep When Sleep Training Was Not Working
Did you find this blog because you Googled, “How do I get my baby to sleep through the night?”? Well then, my friend, soak in this moment of knowing…this is NOT your magic bullet to deep nourishing sleep. Here is what…
Pausing our content to lament. Will you join us?
This week we were supposed to launch a new online course, and had all sorts of plans around the content and marketing for that course. We’ve decided, instead, to hit a big pause button on all content, all social media,…
How the Peace Process Can Guide the Whole Family
Erik and Heather took our Sibling Conflict Online Course and were kind enough to share with us some of the things they learned and implemented with their own family of seven. “The Peace Process” is the method we teach to encourage kids…
Creating Memorable Moments With Your Family This Summer
Making meaningful memories is one of the best parts of summer. How are you doing during this season? Have you been able to create memorable moments together? Connected Families consists of people like you, moms and dads who want what’s…
A Connected Family Story
One of the cool things about Connected Families is the people on our staff. We all understand that parenting takes a lot of work, a lot of intentional planning, and that the outcome is worth it. We, too, have been…
Are Little Kids Able to Resolve Conflict Peacefully?
Our mission is to help families find “peace and connection at home.” Sarah Donatelle, mom of two, took the Connected Families Siblings Conflict online course, and told us about how she was able to teach her children to reconcile with…
Your Family and Youth Sports: Maximize the Learning – Minimize the Stress
I’m a coach for my son’s 5th grade football team. I’ve learned the basics of coaching, how to break things down to teach skills that will help the team succeed. I love the game, the kids, the coaches. It’s…