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Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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Navigating Family Gatherings | Ep. 118

Are you looking forward to celebrating Christmas with family but dreading unsolicited advice from well-meaning relatives?  You are not alone.  Changes in your daily routines, travel, lack of sleep, and large gatherings set the stage for parenting challenges.  Sometimes these…

NW Gospel in Parenting 107

The Gospel in Our Parenting, Part 2 | Ep. 117

Today’s podcast is part two of a series on how the gospel informs the Connected Families Framework.  Part one explored the gospel in the first three layers of the Framework. Today’s conversation will unpack how the gospel is woven into…

NW Heart Full of Gratitude

A Heart Full of Gratitude

In the messes and stresses of family life (especially during the holiday season), gratitude is sometimes hard to come by. Knowing that joy and gratitude are closely related, how can we learn the important spiritual principle of giving thanks in…