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NW Ep. 55 Kids struggling to sleep

Kids Struggling to Sleep? Here’s How to Equip Them to Sleep Well | Ep.55

Do you feel like bedtime struggles are a losing battle? Does bedtime leave you feeling exhausted? Your child wants another glass of water, another bedtime story. They’re afraid of the dark. Or overflowing with wound-up energy from the day. You…

NW Explain emotions feelings Podcast Ep 54

How to Take Advantage of Sibling Rivalry to Explain Emotions and Feelings to a Child

Few things can be more frustrating as a parent than trying to mediate sibling rivalry. You want your kids to be friends but instead they are fighting, badgering, and teasing each other. It feels like you are getting nowhere!  You…

NW True Empathy in kids 1

Can True Empathy Really Be Taught to Kids?

You want your kids to think about others’ feelings. That’s empathy. But can you teach empathy to kids or does it just come naturally? It’s not always automatic, is it? We all know the awful feeling when your child hurts…